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Build by : Barrington Arch 2013. All right reserved.! ! ! ! Copyright Barrington Architecture & Design Ltd. ! ! ! ! Designed by Fern Udomrasami ! ! ! ! ! ! Name : Fisher & Paykel OB90S9MEP ! ! Written by ArchiCAD ! !-----------------------------------------------------! !PROJECT2 3, 270, 2 pen gs_cont_pen set fill gs_fill_type !Main poly2_b{5} 5, 3, 0, 3, gs_fill_pen, gs_back_pen, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, a, 0, 1, a, 0.544, 1, 0, 0.544, 1, 0, 0, 1 hotspot2 0, 0 hotspot2 a, 0 hotspot2 a, 0.544 hotspot2 0, 0.544CSD3mmJ!-----------------------------------------------------! ! Build by : Barrington Arch 2013. All right reserved.! ! ! ! Copyright Barrington Architecture & Design Ltd. ! ! ! ! Designed by Fern Udomrasami ! ! ! ! ! ! Name : Fisher & Paykel OB90S9MEP ! ! Written by ArchiCAD ! !-----------------------------------------------------! !Bounding Box Hotspots hotspot 0, 0, 0 hotspot a, 0, 0 hotspot 0, 0, zzyzx hotspot a, 0, zzyzx hotspot 0, b-fgap, 0 hotspot a, b-fgap, 0 hotspot 0, b-fgap, zzyzx hotspot a, b-fgap, zzyzx !TEST ! Material "Glass" ! block a,b,zzyzx !Model GOSUB "b" !Add Electrix box Material mainMat add 0.853-0.038-0.013,0.544-0.030,0.030 block 0.038,0.020,0.055 add 0.038/2,0.020/2,0-0.026 cylind 0.026,0.004 del 1 del 1 !Top steps add -(0.893-0.853)/2,0,0 GOSUB "steps" !2 Strips Material blackMat add 0,-0.001,0.019 block 0.025,0.001,0.436 addx 0.893-0.025 block 0.025,0.001,0.436 del 1 del 1 !Black !Left Material blackMat add 0,-0.001-0.015,0.019 block 0.782,0.015,0.436 !Right addx 0.005+0.782 block 0.106,0.015,0.436 del 1 del 1 !Glass !Left Material glassMat add 0,-0.001-0.015-0.004,0.127 block 0.782,0.004,0.328 !Right addx 0.005+0.782 block 0.106,0.004,0.328 del 1 del 1 !Lower Frame !Left Material mainMat add -0.001,-0.001-0.015-0.006,0.019 block 0.782,0.006,0.108 !Right addx 0.005+0.782 block 0.106+0.002,0.006,0.108 del 1 del 1 !Cap !Left add -0.001,-0.001-0.015,0.019 block 0.001,0.003,0.108 !Right addx 0.894 block 0.001,0.003,0.108 del 1 del 1 del 1 !Handle add -0.004,-0.062,0.405 rotz 90 rotx 90 GOSUB "handle" del 1 del 1 del 1 Material mainMat add -0.004,-0.020-0.028,0.397 block 0.120,0.028,0.016 addx 0.630 block 0.120,0.028,0.016 del 1 del 1 !Dials Material buttonMat !Top add 0.818,-0.020,0.260 rotx 90 cylind 0.012,0.038/2 del 1 del 1 !Lower add 0.818,-0.020,0.160 rotx 90 cylind 0.012,0.038/2 del 1 del 1 !Buttons Material buttonMat add 0.795,-0.020,0.405 FOR i=1 to 4 rotx 90 cylind 0.002,0.006/2 del 1 addx 0.017 next i del 4 del 1 !Logo add 0.335,-0.022,0.042 GOSUB "Logo" del 1 !------------------------------------------------! END !------------------------------------------------! "steps": rotz 90 rotx 90 !Top cprism_ blackMat, blackMat, blackMat, 15, 0.893, 0, 0.478, 15, -0.01999999991059, 0.478, 15, -0.01999999991059, 0.4759999999404, 15, -0.002000000059605, 0.4759999999404, 15, -0.002000000059605, 0.471500000149, 15, -0.01999999991059, 0.471500000149, 15, -0.01999999991059, 0.4695000000894, 15, -0.002000000059605, 0.4695000000894, 15, -0.002000000059605, 0.4649999999553, 15, -0.01999999991059, 0.4649999999553, 15, -0.01999999991059, 0.4629999998957, 15, -0.001000000029802, 0.4629999998957, 15, -0.001000000029802, 0.455, 15, 0, 0.455, 15, 0, 0.478, -1 !Bottom cprism_ blackMat, blackMat, blackMat, 7, 0.893, -0.009999999985099, 0, 15, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0.019, 15, -0.0009999999701975, 0.019, 15, -0.0009999999701975, 0.0009999999701975, 15, -0.009999999985099, 0.0009999999701975, 15, -0.009999999985099, 0, -1 del 1 del 1 RETURN "b": group "m" rotz 90 rotx 90 cprism_ mainMat, mainMat, mainMat, 9, 0.853, 0.544, 0, 15, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0.478, 15, 0.061, 0.478, 15, 0.061, 0.468, 15, 0.3702626129028, 0.468, 15, 0.384, 0.463, 15, 0.544, 0.463, 15, 0.544, 0, -1 del 1 del 1 endgroup group "cutm" Material mainMat add 0.853-0.116,0.544-0.030,0 block 0.116, 0.030, 0.463 del 1 endgroup m1 = subgroup("m","cutm") placegroup m1 killgroup m1 RETURN "cutFront": add 0.022,0,0.463 rotx 90 cprism_ blackMat, blackMat, blackMat, 69, 0.022, 0.846, 0, 15, 0, 0, 15, 0, -0.008, 15, 0.757, -0.008, 79, 0.7572624659906, -0.008, 79, 0.7577794230754, -0.008091153481927, 79, 0.7582726977845, -0.008270690793358, 79, 0.7587273022155, -0.008533156783936, 79, 0.7591294234426, -0.008870576557351, 79, 0.7594668432161, -0.00927269778453, 79, 0.7597293092066, -0.00972730221547, 79, 0.7599088465181, -0.01022057692458, 79, 0.76, -0.01073753400942, 79, 0.76, -0.011, 15, 0.76, -0.336267955146, 15, 0.7601515482102, -0.3363554521315, 79, 0.7604196256485, -0.336580397135, 79, 0.7606445690982, -0.3368484758772, 79, 0.7608195437664, -0.337151542921, 79, 0.7609392331363, -0.3374803897277, 79, 0.7610000005071, -0.3378250244535, 79, 0.761, -0.338, 15, 0.761, -0.3385, 13, 0.761, -0.442, 79, 0.761, -0.4421749773271, 79, 0.760939231012, -0.4425196153836, 79, 0.7608195394711, -0.4428484651897, 79, 0.760644562144, -0.4431515348103, 79, 0.7604196156284, -0.4434196156284, 79, 0.7601515348103, -0.443644562144, 79, 0.7598484651897, -0.4438195394711, 79, 0.7595196153836, -0.443939231012, 79, 0.7591749773271, -0.444, 79, 0.759, -0.444, 15, 0.7595, -0.444, 13, 0.766, -0.444, 79, 0.7658250226729, -0.444, 79, 0.7654803846164, -0.443939231012, 79, 0.7651515348103, -0.4438195394711, 79, 0.7648484651897, -0.443644562144, 79, 0.7645803843716, -0.4434196156284, 79, 0.764355437856, -0.4431515348103, 79, 0.7641804605289, -0.4428484651897, 79, 0.764060768988, -0.4425196153836, 79, 0.764, -0.4421749773271, 79, 0.764, -0.442, 15, 0.764, -0.4415, 13, 0.764, -0.338, 79, 0.7640000000366, -0.3378250220513, 79, 0.7640607690746, -0.3374803841322, 79, 0.7641804606409, -0.3371515344702, 79, 0.764355437968, -0.3368484649959, 79, 0.7645803844582, -0.3365803843218, 79, 0.7648484652263, -0.3363554379437, 79, 0.765, -0.3362679493435, 15, 0.765, -0.3357679493435, 13, 0.765, -0.011, 79, 0.765, -0.01073753400942, 79, 0.7650911534819, -0.01022057692458, 79, 0.7652706907934, -0.00972730221547, 79, 0.7655331567839, -0.00927269778453, 79, 0.7658705765574, -0.008870576557351, 79, 0.7662726977845, -0.008533156783936, 79, 0.7667273022155, -0.008270690793358, 79, 0.7672205769246, -0.008091153481927, 79, 0.7677375340094, -0.008, 79, 0.768, -0.008, 15, 0.846, -0.008, 15, 0.846, 0, -1 del 1 del 1 RETURN "handle": cprism_ mainMat, mainMat, mainMat, 36, 0.750, 0.01253433234357, 0.008000001456662, 15, 0.01369209988808, 0.006798335931292, 79, 0.01474111401876, 0.005191953361988, 79, 0.01549524586187, 0.003427815961296, 79, 0.01593158150298, 0.001559526151439, 79, 0.01603686310442, -0.000356149027112, 79, 0.01580789173801, -0.002261002753434, 79, 0.01525162458286, -0.004097157010956, 79, 0.01438496353498, -0.005808821181701, 79, 0.01323424165177, -0.007343987215986, 79, 0.01253433234357, -0.007999998543338, 15, 0.01203433234357, -0.007999998543338, 13, 0.001500743586067, -0.007999998543338, 79, 0.001373649606095, -0.008000253945978, 79, 0.00111457513978, -0.007955095245102, 79, 0.0008672783228592, -0.007865634797408, 79, 0.0006392731439754, -0.00773459081333, 79, 0.000437487425113, -0.007565944998013, 79, 0.0002680523232312, -0.007364821569216, 79, 0.0001361160381624, -0.007137331560549, 79, 4.568738716538E-05, -0.006890387140811, 79, -4.860009584163E-07, -0.006631491591235, 79, -7.435860670535E-07, -0.006500001456662, 15, -6.863871520113E-07, -0.006000001459934, 13, 7.435860670537E-07, 0.006500001456662, 79, 7.435860670537E-07, 0.006631234451951, 79, 4.632032703043E-05, 0.006889712994374, 79, 0.000136088982746, 0.007136350348927, 79, 0.0002673219780348, 0.007363652564397, 79, 0.0004360318647424, 0.007564713177987, 79, 0.0006370924783322, 0.007733423064694, 79, 0.000864394693802, 0.007864656059983, 79, 0.001111032048355, 0.007954424715699, 79, 0.001369510590778, 0.008000001456662, 79, 0.001500743586067, 0.008000001456662, 15, 0.01253433234357, 0.008000001456662, -1 RETURN "Logo": rotx 90 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 11, 0.001, 0, 0, 15, 0.0016488502604, 0.0061905058594, 15, 0.0067661399739, 0.0061905058594, 15, 0.0064994620225, 0.0052075374349, 15, 0.0028676010199, 0.0052075374349, 15, 0.002425305881, 0.0035261654731, 15, 0.0058717931857, 0.0035261654731, 15, 0.0056059282769, 0.0025431970486, 15, 0.0021586279297, 0.0025431970486, 15, 0.0014862417534, 0, 15, 0, 0, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 5, 0.001, 0.0069458223741, 0.0053010373264, 15, 0.0071897351345, 0.0061905058594, 15, 0.008501172743, 0.0061905058594, 15, 0.0082580730251, 0.0053010373264, 15, 0.0069458223741, 0.0053010373264, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 5, 0.001, 0.0066897139757, 0.0043343297526, 15, 0.0080027776692, 0.0043343297526, 15, 0.0068531355251, 0, 15, 0.0055416979166, 0, 15, 0.0066897139757, 0.0043343297526, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 123, 0.001, 0.0076539824218, 0.0013650984158, 15, 0.0090003808593, 0.0013650984158, 15, 0.008980096119433, 0.001331824365675, 79, 0.00895169893759, 0.001259242464374, 79, 0.008936336887641, 0.001182832126367, 79, 0.008934476737698, 0.001104915041109, 79, 0.008946175007477, 0.001027858679807, 79, 0.00897107625097, 0.0009540043610066, 79, 0.009008423856494, 0.0008855961108128, 79, 0.009057083035954, 0.0008247124792914, 79, 0.009115575304805, 0.0007732033847776, 79, 0.009151606770677, 0.0007512513021266, 15, 0.009589983475571, 0.0006762377184507, 79, 0.01047946897522, 0.0006807364327533, 79, 0.0107534960879, 0.0007332322344155, 15, 0.01080707613795, 0.0007407161508278, 79, 0.01091000909844, 0.0007740647447401, 79, 0.01100558735342, 0.0008247808195893, 79, 0.01109090680597, 0.0008913233931047, 79, 0.01116337506769, 0.0009716706028621, 79, 0.01122079022713, 0.001063381139551, 79, 0.01126140775371, 0.001163668424921, 79, 0.01127813410526, 0.001245355952574, 15, 0.01129349724108, 0.001273167540331, 79, 0.01131409784854, 0.001333281235899, 79, 0.01132394685279, 0.001396058927301, 79, 0.01132274499683, 0.00145959314615, 79, 0.01131052879843, 0.001521953437356, 79, 0.01128766944062, 0.001581245015027, 79, 0.0112548614934, 0.001635666334578, 79, 0.01121310180965, 0.001683563831754, 79, 0.01116365923623, 0.00172348216534, 79, 0.01110803606072, 0.001754208436969, 79, 0.01104792236515, 0.001774809044426, 79, 0.01098514467375, 0.001784658048679, 79, 0.01096044335066, 0.001784122027262, 15, 0.00984411637987, 0.001753393139517, 79, 0.008786772579684, 0.001910056861782, 79, 0.008598980751952, 0.001984276331678, 79, 0.008457842147198, 0.002077984461886, 79, 0.008335120001029, 0.00219477741655, 79, 0.008234543163758, 0.002331106500841, 79, 0.008159167611689, 0.00248282942452, 79, 0.008111283592832, 0.002645336163326, 79, 0.008092346038869, 0.002813689032233, 79, 0.008097638198331, 0.002898230873371, 15, 0.008119204593194, 0.0030678748344, 79, 0.008201184441634, 0.003330016928862, 79, 0.008327439328962, 0.003573940844592, 79, 0.008494133064314, 0.003792235076842, 79, 0.008696200742893, 0.003978266865827, 79, 0.008811851691714, 0.004052325297801, 15, 0.009172693954829, 0.004189848904106, 79, 0.0102111147723, 0.004384458942922, 79, 0.01126755332283, 0.004395792535357, 79, 0.01230991025565, 0.004223505315939, 79, 0.01280821216923, 0.004048168730294, 15, 0.01285421107966, 0.003994675175327, 79, 0.012910470155, 0.003899333047962, 79, 0.0129493185419, 0.003795670095833, 79, 0.01296957585179, 0.003686836065286, 79, 0.01297062657655, 0.003576137823266, 79, 0.01296153268349, 0.003521538351553, 15, 0.0129005458984, 0.0031464746094, 15, 0.0116346386718, 0.0031464746094, 15, 0.0116582169054, 0.0033513613282, 15, 0.01165810677268, 0.003376374272981, 79, 0.011649202949, 0.00342560190818, 79, 0.01163188610526, 0.00347253553223, 79, 0.01160668240501, 0.003515749090713, 79, 0.01157435764991, 0.003553929561524, 79, 0.0115358940113, 0.003585916850375, 79, 0.01149246018736, 0.003610739039682, 79, 0.01144537589287, 0.003627641919784, 79, 0.01139607176029, 0.003636111905222, 79, 0.01134720800494, 0.003634899769913, 15, 0.01084721941504, 0.003631521906357, 13, 0.00994466787214, 0.003625424375281, 79, 0.0098997660308, 0.003623666443839, 79, 0.009811937191031, 0.003604609748966, 79, 0.009728751829025, 0.003570591250136, 79, 0.009652737489913, 0.003522644582222, 79, 0.009586203830924, 0.003462226580465, 79, 0.009531172443619, 0.003391173015277, 79, 0.009506273773706, 0.003343707543253, 15, 0.009406089083756, 0.002886300998244, 15, 0.009409964383997, 0.002862181065431, 79, 0.009425974000198, 0.002816019949407, 79, 0.009449756188033, 0.002773340165138, 79, 0.009480588337758, 0.002735438516271, 79, 0.009517533630105, 0.002703466625229, 79, 0.009528086617113, 0.002697473276721, 15, 0.01002715289407, 0.002666930663839, 13, 0.01183920410787, 0.002556034012832, 79, 0.01188583262593, 0.002557319796442, 79, 0.01204082074898, 0.002532453531444, 79, 0.01218913627258, 0.002481051635757, 79, 0.0123262727046, 0.002404675929972, 79, 0.01244806322394, 0.002305647051261, 79, 0.01255080728731, 0.002186973941993, 79, 0.01263138306833, 0.002052262424542, 79, 0.01268734231267, 0.001905605640197, 79, 0.01270216351984, 0.001828532660669, 15, 0.01268587928908, 0.001594466580002, 79, 0.01260285926811, 0.001267728072667, 79, 0.01246436296144, 0.0009603697327849, 79, 0.01227459850925, 0.0006817304879838, 79, 0.01203933180841, 0.0004402766507182, 79, 0.01176571131856, 0.0002433446736521, 79, 0.01161388108919, 0.0001701314544541, 15, 0.01105545272011, 1.822375027084E-05, 79, 0.009808288533855, -9.532561516803E-05, 79, 0.008560353933568, 9.417877592825E-06, 79, 0.007954960357081, 0.0001693447640607, 15, 0.007887763336497, 0.00021787868717, 79, 0.00777076408192, 0.0003383581884899, 79, 0.007676463354766, 0.0004773240428146, 79, 0.007607726434912, 0.0006305538429805, 79, 0.007566641858884, 0.0007933917790475, 79, 0.007554457960736, 0.0009608901027283, 79, 0.007571544942047, 0.001127959462216, 79, 0.007617383623536, 0.001289523539564, 79, 0.0076539824218, 0.0013650984158, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 45, 0.001, 0.0143623963758, 0.0061905058594, 15, 0.012714359158, 0, 15, 0.0140257967665, 0, 15, 0.01477119540911, 0.002756253528512, 79, 0.01481498399669, 0.002882077980948, 79, 0.01490504494086, 0.003040931294343, 79, 0.01502132224532, 0.003181732350131, 79, 0.015160282883, 0.003300202979481, 79, 0.01531770460524, 0.003392743512268, 79, 0.01540325441896, 0.00342464283175, 15, 0.01572678607454, 0.003526714868732, 79, 0.01607865856052, 0.003566253224625, 79, 0.01643205107624, 0.003544088888087, 79, 0.01677622596893, 0.003460895311268, 79, 0.01693847581378, 0.003390047800085, 15, 0.01695758092816, 0.003373550313992, 79, 0.01700936886342, 0.003308568240524, 79, 0.01704908600495, 0.003235580510182, 79, 0.01707552556748, 0.00315680481822, 79, 0.01708788419829, 0.003074634724173, 79, 0.01708578638665, 0.002991566924772, 79, 0.01707754113006, 0.002950846158918, 15, 0.0162884941406, 0, 15, 0.0175999317491, 0, 15, 0.01845351274309, 0.003341393448436, 79, 0.01846018624799, 0.003425467714309, 79, 0.01844413180062, 0.003593379375959, 79, 0.01839916370231, 0.003755952256642, 79, 0.018326648286, 0.003908246661646, 79, 0.0182287888959, 0.004045635202537, 79, 0.01810855894007, 0.004163943398024, 79, 0.01796961154487, 0.004259576513454, 79, 0.0178161685566, 0.004329628785006, 79, 0.01765289226281, 0.004371971709858, 79, 0.01748474373107, 0.004385318719664, 79, 0.01733321617536, 0.004368410667485, 15, 0.01640422719119, 0.004368555887505, 15, 0.01625115735554, 0.004366827945132, 79, 0.01595026874181, 0.004310263967006, 79, 0.01566377353394, 0.004202310563351, 79, 0.01540037674385, 0.004046247843712, 79, 0.01516808154972, 0.003846817694853, 79, 0.0149892521701, 0.003620478407101, 15, 0.0156730209418, 0.0061905058594, 15, 0.0143623963758, 0.0061905058594, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 95, 0.001, 0.0199431203342, 0.0019773194445, 15, 0.0236115682508, 0.0019773194445, 15, 0.02384790962988, 0.003032510201836, 79, 0.0238712220404, 0.003117686629488, 79, 0.02388755706277, 0.003293547757346, 79, 0.02387310595507, 0.003469573706382, 79, 0.0238283078069, 0.003640416017206, 79, 0.02375452378731, 0.003800883732655, 79, 0.02365399578641, 0.003946101122395, 79, 0.02352977829664, 0.004071655829522, 79, 0.02338564560356, 0.004173732937795, 79, 0.02322597710612, 0.004249230885932, 79, 0.02305562425082, 0.004295855706982, 79, 0.02294668014522, 0.004305753915253, 15, 0.02229024814337, 0.004407155293204, 79, 0.02096211316488, 0.004378900577781, 79, 0.02062895697967, 0.004305803794064, 15, 0.02045947914609, 0.004290058965633, 79, 0.02013114109867, 0.004200188673505, 79, 0.01982339705642, 0.004054668409458, 79, 0.01954559766634, 0.003857919733081, 79, 0.01930618372231, 0.003615920753343, 79, 0.01911242969588, 0.003336024486789, 79, 0.01896787540941, 0.002997512135684, 15, 0.01878160261443, 0.002590562839631, 79, 0.01855604883641, 0.001724337333166, 79, 0.01852687321312, 0.001354219306885, 15, 0.01849817393366, 0.001273658723779, 79, 0.01846962578472, 0.001105018194961, 79, 0.01847079546682, 0.0009339823606701, 79, 0.01850164743976, 0.000765748058182, 79, 0.01856124428195, 0.0006054270016473, 79, 0.01864777517351, 0.0004578904652425, 79, 0.01875861091707, 0.0003276212719692, 79, 0.01889038382467, 0.0002185775853455, 79, 0.01903909004317, 0.0001340726426108, 79, 0.01920021120938, 7.667408368853E-05, 79, 0.01931993994513, 5.707108801301E-05, 15, 0.02006280088556, -6.46346155735E-05, 79, 0.02156821925993, -4.63551593974E-05, 79, 0.02207677883054, 5.295413135609E-05, 15, 0.02221414506351, 6.855218535797E-05, 79, 0.02247928657866, 0.0001469811464402, 79, 0.02272678095227, 0.0002702599363053, 79, 0.02294910819301, 0.0004346427913053, 79, 0.02313951300019, 0.0006351350215729, 79, 0.02329221002009, 0.0008656447721452, 79, 0.02340255963103, 0.001119168120895, 79, 0.0234603423394, 0.0013829853516, 15, 0.0221602873264, 0.0013829853516, 15, 0.0221439281362, 0.00132398420625, 79, 0.02207424909217, 0.001179098202569, 79, 0.02198046943887, 0.001048512981859, 79, 0.02186543862362, 0.0009361963099732, 79, 0.02173265179953, 0.0008455608721506, 79, 0.02158614362706, 0.0007793605803063, 79, 0.02143036568289, 0.0007396068968089, 79, 0.02127005120104, 0.0007275077172152, 79, 0.02119006122846, 0.000735469193095, 15, 0.02071094375662, 0.0007261717453652, 79, 0.02004752158709, 0.0008333578715781, 15, 0.02000318729228, 0.0008578806643879, 79, 0.01993948492417, 0.0009095775673811, 79, 0.01988572741116, 0.0009715508783916, 79, 0.01984354814809, 0.001041917569724, 79, 0.01981422873052, 0.00111853958507, 79, 0.01979866001412, 0.001199088803265, 79, 0.01979731504645, 0.001281117777076, 79, 0.01980377487007, 0.001321625937358, 15, 0.0199431203342, 0.0019773194445, -1, 0.0201293070746, 0.0026261273872, 15, 0.0224968869357, 0.0026261273872, 15, 0.02259775082253, 0.003094386050253, 15, 0.0226040739976, 0.003130460550771, 79, 0.02260399967872, 0.003203709462021, 79, 0.02259120694895, 0.00327583265238, 79, 0.02256608450892, 0.003344638695206, 79, 0.02252939569125, 0.003408036953705, 79, 0.02248225526711, 0.003464101103874, 79, 0.02242609557442, 0.00351112766488, 79, 0.02236262299704, 0.003547687758462, 79, 0.0222937661171, 0.003572670524678, 79, 0.02222161711606, 0.003585316874819, 79, 0.02216332628032, 0.003584696635768, 15, 0.0216745939846, 0.003633448386825, 79, 0.02093948616419, 0.003572703298465, 15, 0.02087362587886, 0.003568201326293, 79, 0.02074546995817, 0.00353646113504, 79, 0.02062477264024, 0.003482949106527, 79, 0.02051520125202, 0.00340929117666, 79, 0.02042008506468, 0.003317725404367, 79, 0.02034231413545, 0.003211033969305, 79, 0.02028425149465, 0.003092458636739, 79, 0.02026142957333, 0.003012645132388, 15, 0.0201293070746, 0.0026261273872, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 47, 0.001, 0.0376194780816, 0.0019952063802, 15, 0.0370853091363, 0, 15, 0.0356006934679, 0, 15, 0.0372479176432, 0.0061905058594, 15, 0.04104660084274, 0.006187732284016, 79, 0.04139404496956, 0.006193368499987, 79, 0.04168662242988, 0.006136600985439, 79, 0.0419648974057, 0.006029890354182, 79, 0.0422204146527, 0.00587647895475, 79, 0.04244541040864, 0.005681028114885, 79, 0.04263304829131, 0.005449476509451, 79, 0.0427776270186, 0.005188859716811, 79, 0.04287475363905, 0.00490709644633, 79, 0.04292147700944, 0.004612747932401, 79, 0.04291637746381, 0.004314757805675, 79, 0.04288799370653, 0.004168469075517, 15, 0.04275144649192, 0.003695199219351, 79, 0.04252972508115, 0.003268154044557, 79, 0.04223721650043, 0.002886098164464, 79, 0.04188280847497, 0.002560640153659, 79, 0.04147726951328, 0.00230166888911, 79, 0.0410329217115, 0.002117053081645, 79, 0.04079809403213, 0.002064727635399, 15, 0.0376194780816, 0.0019952063802, -1, 0.0384674814453, 0.0052075374349, 15, 0.0378869690755, 0.0030163878038, 15, 0.03998187713455, 0.003025032551367, 79, 0.04009993957828, 0.003019158473453, 79, 0.04033451724398, 0.003048591454921, 79, 0.04056042016426, 0.003118311267436, 79, 0.04077078439318, 0.003226199509774, 79, 0.04095921812011, 0.003368978052286, 79, 0.04111999588159, 0.003542308641207, 79, 0.04124823252672, 0.003740924714303, 79, 0.04134003164991, 0.003958791422697, 79, 0.04136407379327, 0.004064365681426, 15, 0.04137968057881, 0.004148874588801, 79, 0.04138107031009, 0.004320744822901, 79, 0.04135259397527, 0.004490245286257, 79, 0.0412951168134, 0.004652225793063, 79, 0.04121038523894, 0.004801764647585, 79, 0.0411009737779, 0.004934318187399, 79, 0.04097020684218, 0.005045858840273, 79, 0.04082205771893, 0.005132997499911, 79, 0.0406610278443, 0.005193086502234, 79, 0.04058266801838, 0.0052075374349, 15, 0.0384674814453, 0.0052075374349, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 95, 0.001, 0.058598414605, 0.0019773194445, 15, 0.0622668625216, 0.0019773194445, 15, 0.06250320390068, 0.003032510201836, 79, 0.0625265163112, 0.003117686629488, 79, 0.06254285133357, 0.003293547757346, 79, 0.06252840022587, 0.003469573706382, 79, 0.0624836020777, 0.003640416017206, 79, 0.06240981805811, 0.003800883732655, 79, 0.06230929005721, 0.003946101122395, 79, 0.06218507256744, 0.004071655829522, 79, 0.06204093987436, 0.004173732937795, 79, 0.06188127137692, 0.004249230885932, 79, 0.06171091852162, 0.004295855706982, 79, 0.06160197441602, 0.004305753915253, 15, 0.06094554241417, 0.004407155293204, 79, 0.05961740743568, 0.004378900577781, 79, 0.05928425125047, 0.004305803794064, 15, 0.05911477341689, 0.004290058965633, 79, 0.05878643536947, 0.004200188673505, 79, 0.05847869132722, 0.004054668409458, 79, 0.05820089193714, 0.003857919733081, 79, 0.05796147799311, 0.003615920753343, 79, 0.05776772396668, 0.003336024486789, 79, 0.05762316968021, 0.002997512135684, 15, 0.05743689688523, 0.002590562839631, 79, 0.05721134310721, 0.001724337333166, 79, 0.05718216748393, 0.001354219306885, 15, 0.05715346820446, 0.001273658723779, 79, 0.05712492005552, 0.001105018194961, 79, 0.05712608973762, 0.0009339823606701, 79, 0.05715694171056, 0.000765748058182, 79, 0.05721653855275, 0.0006054270016473, 79, 0.05730306944431, 0.0004578904652425, 79, 0.05741390518787, 0.0003276212719692, 79, 0.05754567809547, 0.0002185775853455, 79, 0.05769438431397, 0.0001340726426108, 79, 0.05785550548018, 7.667408368853E-05, 79, 0.05797523421593, 5.707108801301E-05, 15, 0.05871809515636, -6.46346155735E-05, 79, 0.06022351353073, -4.63551593974E-05, 79, 0.06073207310134, 5.295413135609E-05, 15, 0.06086943933431, 6.855218535797E-05, 79, 0.06113458084946, 0.0001469811464402, 79, 0.06138207522307, 0.0002702599363053, 79, 0.06160440246381, 0.0004346427913053, 79, 0.06179480727099, 0.0006351350215729, 79, 0.0619475042909, 0.0008656447721453, 79, 0.06205785390183, 0.001119168120895, 79, 0.0621156366102, 0.0013829853516, 15, 0.0608155815972, 0.0013829853516, 15, 0.060799222407, 0.00132398420625, 79, 0.06072954336297, 0.001179098202569, 79, 0.06063576370967, 0.001048512981859, 79, 0.06052073289442, 0.0009361963099732, 79, 0.06038794607033, 0.0008455608721506, 79, 0.06024143789786, 0.0007793605803063, 79, 0.06008565995369, 0.0007396068968089, 79, 0.05992534547184, 0.0007275077172152, 79, 0.05984535549926, 0.000735469193095, 15, 0.05936623802742, 0.0007261717453652, 79, 0.05870281585789, 0.0008333578715781, 15, 0.05865848156308, 0.0008578806643879, 79, 0.05859477919497, 0.0009095775673811, 79, 0.05854102168196, 0.0009715508783916, 79, 0.05849884241889, 0.001041917569724, 79, 0.05846952300132, 0.00111853958507, 79, 0.05845395428492, 0.001199088803265, 79, 0.05845260931725, 0.001281117777076, 79, 0.05845906914087, 0.001321625937358, 15, 0.058598414605, 0.0019773194445, -1, 0.0587846013454, 0.0026261273872, 15, 0.0611521812065, 0.0026261273872, 15, 0.06125304509333, 0.003094386050253, 15, 0.0612593682684, 0.003130460550771, 79, 0.06125929394952, 0.003203709462021, 79, 0.06124650121975, 0.00327583265238, 79, 0.06122137877972, 0.003344638695206, 79, 0.06118468996205, 0.003408036953705, 79, 0.06113754953791, 0.003464101103874, 79, 0.06108138984522, 0.00351112766488, 79, 0.06101791726784, 0.003547687758462, 79, 0.0609490603879, 0.003572670524678, 79, 0.06087691138686, 0.003585316874819, 79, 0.06081862055112, 0.003584696635768, 15, 0.0603298882554, 0.003633448386825, 79, 0.05959478043499, 0.003572703298465, 15, 0.05952892014966, 0.003568201326293, 79, 0.05940076422897, 0.00353646113504, 79, 0.05928006691104, 0.003482949106527, 79, 0.05917049552282, 0.00340929117666, 79, 0.05907537933548, 0.003317725404367, 79, 0.05899760840625, 0.003211033969305, 79, 0.05893954576545, 0.003092458636739, 79, 0.05891672384413, 0.003012645132388, 15, 0.0587846013454, 0.0026261273872, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 47, 0.001, 0.0247831625434, 0.0043343297526, 15, 0.0236343334418, 0, 15, 0.0249473971354, 0, 15, 0.02569945766309, 0.002799079072371, 79, 0.02574305817252, 0.002946842495442, 79, 0.02582326916656, 0.003102500631098, 79, 0.02592929132696, 0.003241865476966, 79, 0.02605790322403, 0.003360702502729, 79, 0.02620519705036, 0.003455400905492, 79, 0.02636669735757, 0.003523083322208, 79, 0.02653749704055, 0.003561693256893, 79, 0.02662495173895, 0.003565875411556, 15, 0.02674318226559, 0.003584215563696, 79, 0.0268480559213, 0.003578749760419, 79, 0.02695038718374, 0.003555155875776, 79, 0.0270470667693, 0.003514150798015, 79, 0.02713515711769, 0.003456980445672, 79, 0.02721198164825, 0.003385381910976, 79, 0.02727520608649, 0.003301530679171, 79, 0.02732290938985, 0.003207974527505, 79, 0.0273536421176, 0.003107556112305, 79, 0.02736647047135, 0.003003326596302, 79, 0.02736100466807, 0.002898452940599, 79, 0.02733741078343, 0.002796121678154, 79, 0.02729640570567, 0.002699442092594, 79, 0.0272678205295, 0.0026553969184, 15, 0.0284979538845, 0.0026553969184, 15, 0.0286785210798, 0.003484802667259, 15, 0.02868964968637, 0.003552298742052, 79, 0.02868812762165, 0.003689104982061, 79, 0.02866287252624, 0.003823568524118, 79, 0.02861465176344, 0.003951603761539, 79, 0.02854493049672, 0.004069320408423, 79, 0.02845582717149, 0.004173141704023, 79, 0.02835004914721, 0.004259913090808, 79, 0.0282308104356, 0.004326998064099, 79, 0.02810173404459, 0.004372358280929, 79, 0.0280292586682, 0.004384291375825, 15, 0.02782606184293, 0.004427176639564, 79, 0.0274109483293, 0.004441074603171, 79, 0.02699972796665, 0.004382677720317, 79, 0.02660489547761, 0.004253760350737, 79, 0.02623844764755, 0.004058239583469, 79, 0.02591151880837, 0.00380205621809, 79, 0.025851500434, 0.0037310521919, 15, 0.0260946001519, 0.0043343297526, 15, 0.0247831625434, 0.0043343297526, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 121, 0.001, 0.0305972297092, 0.0032399745009, 15, 0.03043306655612, 0.003245244165647, 79, 0.03010789812892, 0.003198610114297, 79, 0.02979576765883, 0.003096219634157, 79, 0.02950615907221, 0.002941183808154, 79, 0.02924787197943, 0.002738213321408, 79, 0.0290287543031, 0.002493475329452, 79, 0.02885546382293, 0.002214406072327, 79, 0.02873326588249, 0.001909484928196, 79, 0.02866587340434, 0.001587976771725, 79, 0.02865533407485, 0.001259650465558, 79, 0.0287019681262, 0.0009344820383667, 79, 0.02880435860634, 0.0006223515682678, 79, 0.02895939443234, 0.0003327429816499, 79, 0.02910556336633, 0.0001488887160905, 15, 0.02990752338913, -3.267824785928E-05, 79, 0.03155013383007, -0.0001117775623956, 79, 0.03241307068303, -1.982461696359E-06, 15, 0.03259098922994, 1.1271957391E-05, 79, 0.03293681714729, 9.916852963557E-05, 79, 0.03326212808192, 0.0002457821430802, 79, 0.03355703762568, 0.0004466580172703, 79, 0.0337932999132, 0.0006853948568002, 15, 0.0346600032552, 0, 15, 0.0352104330512, 0.0004406690537999, 15, 0.0341835603298, 0.001252898546, 15, 0.03434095565885, 0.001552405529643, 79, 0.03454694625571, 0.002196981952915, 79, 0.0345860163845, 0.0024870971137, 15, 0.0338038694661, 0.0024870971137, 15, 0.0336022349175, 0.0017260893012, 15, 0.0319631411675, 0.003054600803, 15, 0.03292558080549, 0.003200201655188, 15, 0.03305088046838, 0.003190318910563, 79, 0.03330110486848, 0.003214369819752, 79, 0.03354335140115, 0.003281506352674, 79, 0.03377025952806, 0.003389688599749, 79, 0.0339749347606, 0.003535629498143, 79, 0.0341511581454, 0.003714894707508, 79, 0.0342935752241, 0.003922037345169, 79, 0.03439785872581, 0.0041507634869, 79, 0.03446084004911, 0.004394123404627, 79, 0.03447405383668, 0.004689019150605, 15, 0.03448256520901, 0.00474684943245, 79, 0.03447924509381, 0.004863708820879, 79, 0.03445568299878, 0.004978216320661, 79, 0.03441259484625, 0.00508689267936, 79, 0.03435128984793, 0.00518643582081, 79, 0.03427363072517, 0.005273821177029, 79, 0.03418197711113, 0.005346393588188, 79, 0.03407911385448, 0.005401947978296, 79, 0.03404643543375, 0.00541234066345, 15, 0.03357773531542, 0.005537364304233, 79, 0.0326111560399, 0.005620834962899, 79, 0.03164476674771, 0.005535192784938, 79, 0.03122276071365, 0.005421393093161, 15, 0.03110911083014, 0.005385199715752, 79, 0.03089783408536, 0.005274442488062, 79, 0.03070899989983, 0.005128680089817, 79, 0.03054834590471, 0.004952341437729, 79, 0.03042075349035, 0.004750784492509, 79, 0.0303300994877, 0.004530133459946, 79, 0.03027913837275, 0.004297092710009, 79, 0.0302694185732, 0.00405874306796, 79, 0.03030123542023, 0.003822326667063, 79, 0.03037362217504, 0.003595026900026, 79, 0.03048437940273, 0.003383750155252, 79, 0.0305972297092, 0.0032399745009, -1, 0.0315436112196, 0.0033944525825, 15, 0.03144098549565, 0.003430323046235, 79, 0.03131802564004, 0.003500555121767, 79, 0.03120912949286, 0.003591071969113, 79, 0.03111760580844, 0.003699123279671, 79, 0.03104623548761, 0.003821425969044, 79, 0.03099718708145, 0.003954263931905, 79, 0.03097195090097, 0.004093600953972, 79, 0.03097129373474, 0.004235203350337, 79, 0.03099523555042, 0.00437476860384, 79, 0.03104304888807, 0.004508056094878, 79, 0.0311132809636, 0.004631015950482, 79, 0.03120379781094, 0.00473991209766, 79, 0.0313118491215, 0.004831435782084, 79, 0.03143415181087, 0.004902806102917, 79, 0.03156698977374, 0.004951854509074, 79, 0.03163665828477, 0.004964472599314, 15, 0.03218873846638, 0.005053699907628, 79, 0.03306952790331, 0.005038897337836, 79, 0.0335019468168, 0.004955134754772, 15, 0.03357293580233, 0.004835201894401, 79, 0.03362513371771, 0.004689624560171, 79, 0.03365125939067, 0.004537194799874, 79, 0.03365051900586, 0.004382544114643, 79, 0.03362293505949, 0.004230371487293, 79, 0.03356934567582, 0.004085300606102, 79, 0.03349137914115, 0.003951739376386, 79, 0.03339140442918, 0.003833745988525, 79, 0.03327245922095, 0.003734905611901, 79, 0.03313815760642, 0.003658221461343, 79, 0.0330653689393, 0.003632122503652, 15, 0.0315436112196, 0.0033944525825, -1, 0.0310110683593, 0.0028936183811, 15, 0.0332835222439, 0.0010829726563, 15, 0.03256690182516, 0.000720639334981, 79, 0.03187998391989, 0.0005357683505018, 79, 0.03117139933154, 0.0004729880141365, 79, 0.03046267804426, 0.0005342058746372, 79, 0.02977535419574, 0.0007175618582903, 79, 0.02945283298453, 0.0008675233223027, 15, 0.02943440126548, 0.0009489953339433, 79, 0.02942587439928, 0.001287410286207, 79, 0.0294762422151, 0.001622164629707, 79, 0.02958397431233, 0.001943087023111, 79, 0.02974579730573, 0.00224042640189, 79, 0.02995679428551, 0.002505148259479, 79, 0.03008367425036, 0.002617178707836, 15, 0.03019135325507, 0.00271006246656, 79, 0.03035670029841, 0.002807014791989, 79, 0.03053637094325, 0.002873781980986, 79, 0.03072490598799, 0.002908335346299, 79, 0.03091657689067, 0.002909625001407, 79, 0.0310110683593, 0.0028936183811, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 106, 0.001, 0.0428196981337, 0.0030806181641, 15, 0.04287228024706, 0.003329735993118, 79, 0.0429699958733, 0.003556762909296, 79, 0.04310564978989, 0.003763372636065, 79, 0.04327512022121, 0.003943287441425, 79, 0.04347325789397, 0.004091040705058, 79, 0.04369404249524, 0.004202143018815, 79, 0.04393076559664, 0.004273218595113, 79, 0.04405350004157, 0.004287663216822, 15, 0.04585976299637, 0.004414889973938, 79, 0.04665448307995, 0.004307019706471, 15, 0.0467637065833, 0.004302212969856, 79, 0.04692902160377, 0.004265007089579, 79, 0.0470853643843, 0.004199659798179, 79, 0.04722798452863, 0.004108156640039, 79, 0.04735254859584, 0.003993277892316, 79, 0.04745527176979, 0.003858514087627, 79, 0.0475330328588, 0.003707959955986, 79, 0.04758346913154, 0.003546190008497, 79, 0.04760504810739, 0.003378119543155, 79, 0.04759711412008, 0.003208855296002, 79, 0.04757851117994, 0.003126197785769, 15, 0.0467531979166, 0, 15, 0.0454417603081, 0, 15, 0.045662094835, 0.0005935210504, 15, 0.04553913195953, 0.0004845976389643, 79, 0.0451146917391, 0.0002285081346078, 79, 0.04465223024359, 5.001247605806E-05, 79, 0.0441657991315, -4.546583642289E-05, 79, 0.04367017836605, -5.502574262472E-05, 79, 0.04318042713338, 2.162323036497E-05, 79, 0.04271142627688, 0.0001821521422881, 79, 0.04227742615026, 0.0004216834033876, 79, 0.04208451988899, 0.0005773111904455, 15, 0.0420495824548, 0.0007729875578596, 79, 0.04205025725919, 0.001061980041382, 79, 0.04210110482991, 0.001346464901165, 79, 0.04220058018925, 0.001617798208699, 79, 0.04234566082876, 0.001867735638737, 79, 0.04253193854661, 0.002088682968941, 79, 0.04275375338862, 0.002273926826488, 79, 0.04300436562305, 0.002417838670504, 79, 0.04314026307351, 0.002466942241468, 15, 0.04386043259588, 0.002621305234071, 79, 0.04449340314416, 0.002623489418259, 79, 0.04511713672714, 0.002515726237554, 79, 0.04571268151552, 0.002301290021674, 79, 0.0459873118489, 0.0021439931641, 15, 0.04626416474968, 0.00318412399796, 15, 0.04626549061081, 0.003228950435009, 79, 0.04625253398926, 0.00331770174724, 79, 0.04622436270426, 0.003402854833893, 79, 0.04618183272606, 0.003481822361519, 79, 0.04612623630653, 0.003552204941752, 79, 0.04605926271474, 0.003611864035506, 79, 0.04598294690939, 0.003658986931407, 79, 0.0458996077076, 0.003692141824107, 79, 0.04581177732885, 0.003710321318969, 79, 0.04572212445475, 0.003712973041242, 79, 0.04569758972258, 0.003708997032014, 15, 0.04474320266338, 0.003668442705229, 15, 0.04468593909668, 0.003663922394086, 79, 0.04457472177536, 0.00363513169116, 79, 0.04447019354816, 0.003587465698532, 79, 0.04437553045236, 0.003522372723267, 79, 0.04429360877822, 0.003441830582482, 79, 0.04422691767436, 0.003348286508366, 79, 0.04417748351622, 0.003244582790277, 79, 0.04414680833569, 0.003133870413212, 79, 0.0441408805376, 0.003071976947734, 15, 0.0428196981337, 0.0030806181641, -1, 0.04404634522445, 0.001895199500506, 15, 0.04399011388353, 0.001891497024655, 79, 0.0438806456189, 0.001864675631051, 79, 0.0437774979093, 0.001819252750017, 79, 0.0436838048457, 0.001756608532808, 79, 0.04360241324442, 0.001678646392265, 79, 0.04353579614808, 0.001587735168577, 79, 0.04348597768345, 0.001486637153273, 79, 0.04345447155936, 0.001378424158389, 79, 0.04344223507345, 0.001266384181018, 79, 0.04344964002515, 0.001153921499175, 79, 0.04347646141875, 0.001044453234541, 79, 0.04352188429978, 0.0009413055249427, 79, 0.04358452851699, 0.0008476124613404, 79, 0.04366249065754, 0.0007662208600611, 79, 0.04368924329688, 0.00074714898995, 15, 0.04405760546108, 0.0006827437013269, 79, 0.04480550501352, 0.0006838208832536, 79, 0.04531025976336, 0.0007758728773257, 15, 0.04536372534455, 0.0007908957168942, 79, 0.04546381460489, 0.0008390533361384, 79, 0.04555402080164, 0.0009038596505978, 79, 0.04563160306516, 0.0009833455532012, 79, 0.04569420409763, 0.00107509590502, 79, 0.04573992179837, 0.001176322918042, 79, 0.04576736705816, 0.001283950860699, 79, 0.04577570596667, 0.001394709512417, 79, 0.0457646851504, 0.00150523352761, 79, 0.04573463947126, 0.001612164690003, 79, 0.04568648185202, 0.001712253950338, 79, 0.04562167553756, 0.001802460147087, 79, 0.04554091579766, 0.001877951466951, 15, 0.04515901040793, 0.001947746529561, 79, 0.04438256405962, 0.001952581617187, 79, 0.04404634522445, 0.001895199500506, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 26, 0.001, 0.0478564966363, 0.0043343297526, 15, 0.0492484254557, 0.0043343297526, 15, 0.049607790256, 0.0006593774957002, 15, 0.0516517791883, 0.0043343297526, 15, 0.0530095602213, 0.0043343297526, 15, 0.05013367443052, -0.0006427640044091, 79, 0.05004099327542, -0.0008015358625264, 79, 0.0497293948115, -0.001166969811932, 79, 0.04935907328903, -0.001472743493098, 79, 0.04894128074009, -0.00170956612745, 79, 0.04848871157985, -0.001870241979081, 79, 0.04801511689325, -0.001949888993547, 79, 0.04753488661517, -0.001946087136615, 79, 0.0472987494574, -0.0019025195312, 15, 0.0475077013889, -0.0011423247613, 15, 0.04763651541501, -0.001158826138173, 79, 0.04789596038628, -0.00114659086415, 79, 0.04814933917242, -0.001089489324967, 79, 0.04838895298725, -0.0009892565219959, 79, 0.04860752128624, -0.0008489379782364, 79, 0.04879840298223, -0.0006727972016353, 79, 0.04895579823148, -0.0004661861405583, 79, 0.04907492465898, -0.0002353825675458, 79, 0.0491435429687, 0, 15, 0.0484817263455, 0, 15, 0.0478564966363, 0.0043343297526, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 14, 0.001, 0.0538030897352, 0.0061905058594, 15, 0.0521550525173, 0, 15, 0.0534673031684, 0, 15, 0.0539770808376, 0.001920406467, 15, 0.054290915256, 0.001920406467, 15, 0.0555438138021, 0, 15, 0.0571568901909, 0, 15, 0.0554982834201, 0.0022919669054, 15, 0.0579235893012, 0.0043343297526, 15, 0.0564145823567, 0.0043343297526, 15, 0.0545120628255, 0.002645640408, 15, 0.0541754632161, 0.002645640408, 15, 0.0551137143012, 0.0061905058594, 15, 0.0538030897352, 0.0061905058594, -1 cprism_ logoMat, logoMat, logoMat, 5, 0.001, 0.0639010780165, 0.0061905058594, 15, 0.0622530407986, 0, 15, 0.0635652914496, 0, 15, 0.0652133286675, 0.0061905058594, 15, 0.0639010780165, 0.0061905058594, -1 del 1 RETURN DRAPmm mm& Hh &p= ף?A @5^I ?B e;O?ZZYZX AC_show2DHotspotsIn3D ?ac_bottomlevel ac_toplevel gs_2D_representation gs_cont_pen Ags_fill_type gs_fill_pen gs_back_pen gs_list gs_list_cost gs_list_manufacturer  gs_list_note  gs_list_location  gs_list_accessories  FM_Type  FM_InventoryNumber  FM_SerialNumber  FM_ProductionYear FM_ObjectWeight FM_ObjectWeightUnit  gs_list_custom1  gs_list_custom2  gs_list_custom3  gs_list_custom4  gs_list_custom5  use_stored_environment uiPage settingPage appearancePage infoPage mainMat 1blackMat glassMat 1logoMat buttonMat OtherskgDimension 1Dimension 2HeightShow 2D Hotspots in 3DBottom LevelTop Level2D RepresentationContour PenFill TypeFill PenFill Background PenParameters for ListingCostManufacturerNote/RemarksLocationAccessoriesGroup TypeInventory NumberSerial NumberProduction YearObject WeightObject Weight UnitUser Defined 1User Defined 2User Defined 3User Defined 4User Defined 5Use Stored EnvironmentSRCMmmCSD1mm)!-----------------------------------------------------! ! Build by : Barrington Arch 2013. All right reserved.! ! ! ! Copyright Barrington Architecture & Design Ltd. ! ! ! ! Designed by Fern Udomrasami ! ! ! ! ! ! Name : Fisher & Paykel OB90S9MEP ! ! Written by ArchiCAD ! !-----------------------------------------------------! ! Menu page values values "uiPage" 1,2,3 values "settingPage" 1 values "appearancePage" 1,2 values "infoPage" 1,2 !Fixed size a = 0.895 b=0.564 zzyzx = 0.478 fgap = 0.022 PARAMETERS a=a, b=b, zzyzx = zzyzx CSRPmmQ!-----------------------------------------------------! ! Build by : Barrington Arch 2013. All right reserved.! ! ! ! Copyright Barrington Architecture & Design Ltd. ! ! ! ! Designed by Fern Udomrasami ! ! ! ! ! ! Name : Fisher & Paykel OB90S9MEP ! ! Written by ArchiCAD ! !-----------------------------------------------------!CSIUmm !-----------------------------------------------------! ! Build by : Barrington Arch 2013. All right reserved.! ! ! ! Copyright Barrington Architecture & Design Ltd. ! ! ! ! Designed by Fern Udomrasami ! ! ! ! ! ! Name : Fisher & Paykel OB90S9MEP ! ! Written by ArchiCAD ! !-----------------------------------------------------! !--- Dialog name and details ---! ui_dialog "Fisher & Paykel Oven OB90S9MEP - Settings" !--- Menu ---! ui_style 0, 1 ui_infield{3} "uiPage", 0, 0, 100, 70, 1, 1, 3, 3, 100, 20, 100, 20, 1, "Settings", 1, 2, "Appearance", 2, 3, "Info", 3 !--- URL Links ---! bimURL = "" fbURL = "" twURL = "" ccURL = "" mURL = "" !Model URL !--- Manufacturer details ---! uiX = 0 uiY = 120 xWidth = 100 yHeight = 115 colSpace = xWidth +2 rowSpace = yHeight +1 ui_groupbox "Manufacturer", uiX,uiY,xWidth+5,yHeight ui_style 1,0 uiX=uiX+2 uiY=uiY+55 ui_outfield "P.O. Box 58546", uiX, uiY, xWidth-4, 10,2 uiY =uiY+11 ui_outfield "Botany, Auckland", uiX+2, uiY, xWidth-4, 10,2 uiY =uiY+11 ui_outfield "2163, NZ", uiX+2, uiY, xWidth-4, 10,2 uiY =uiY+11 ui_outfield "Tel.0800 FP CARE", uiX+2, uiY, xWidth-4, 10,2 uiY =uiY+11 ui_outfield "(0800 37 2273)", uiX+2, uiY, xWidth-4, 10,2 !Manufacture Logo max size 100x60 UI_PICT_BUTTON UI_LINK, "FisherPaykelMFT", 6, 2,140, 101,32, 0, ccURL !Separator for BIMstop ads ! ui_separator 104,0,100,262 !--- Feedback Icons ---! uiX = 10 uiY = 240 xWidth = 22 yHeight = 22 colSpace = xWidth + 10 rowSpace = yHeight +1 UI_PICT_BUTTON UI_LINK, "BIMstopIcon", 4, uiX,uiY, xWidth,yHeight, 0, bimURL uiX = uiX + colSpace t1 = "" UI_PICT_BUTTON UI_LINK, "facebookIcon", 2, uiX,uiY, xWidth,yHeight, 0, fbURL + t1 uiX = uiX + colSpace t2 = "" UI_PICT_BUTTON UI_LINK, "twitterIcon", 3, uiX,uiY, xWidth,yHeight, 0, twURL + t2 !--- Pages ---! ui_style 0,0 !Menu 1- Settings if uiPage = 1 then uiX = 110 uiY = 0 xWidth = 80 yHeight = 20 colSpace = xWidth +2 rowSpace = yHeight +1 ui_style 0,1 ui_outfield "Product Information", uiX, uiY, 150,18,0 !Groupbox ui_groupbox "", 110,21, 325, 240 ui_style 0,4 !--- Settings - 1 ---! ui_style 0,0 uiX = uiX + 10 uiY = uiY + 27 ui_style 0,1 ui_outfield "Features", uiX, uiY, 120,14,0 ui_style 0,0 uiY = uiY + 15 ui_outfield "- 87 Litres of usable capacity", uiX, uiY, 300,14,0 uiY = uiY + 15 ui_outfield "- 4 Shelf positions", uiX, uiY, 300,14,0 uiY = uiY + 16 ui_style 0,1 ui_outfield "Size", uiX, uiY, 250,14,0 ui_style 0,0 uiY = uiY + 15 ui_outfield "- Depth : 564mm", uiX, uiY, 300,14,0 uiY = uiY + 15 ui_outfield "- Height : 478mm", uiX, uiY, 300,14,0 uiY = uiY + 15 ui_outfield "- Width : 895mm", uiX, uiY, 300,14,0 uiY = uiY + 15 ui_outfield "- Brushed Stainless Steel", uiX, uiY, 300,14,0 uiY = uiY + 20 ui_outfield " The 90cm Built-in Oven is finished in black reflective glass and stainless steel that blends elegant, minimalist aesthetic with design for durability, matching the rest of Fisher & Paykel’s coordinated kitchen family.", uiX, uiY, 300,52,0 endif !Menu 2 - Appearance if uiPage = 2 then uiX = 110 uiY = 0 xWidth = 120 yHeight = 20 colSpace = xWidth +1 rowSpace = yHeight +1 !Drop list menu ui_infield{3} "appearancePage", uiX,uiY, xWidth,yHeight, 2, "", 3, 3, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, "2D Representation", 1, 2, "3D Representation", 2 !Groupbox ui_groupbox "", 110,21, 325, 240 uiX = 120 uiY = 30 ui_style 0,4 !--- Appearance - 2D Representation ---! if appearancePage = 1 then UI_OUTFIELD "2D Representation", uiX,uiY, 100, 13 uiX = 140 uiY = 55 xWidth = 100 yHeight = 13 rowSpace = 35 colSpace = 105 ui_style 0,0 UI_OUTFIELD "Contour Pen", uiX, uiY, xWidth, yHeight uiX = uiX+colSpace ui_infield{2} gs_cont_pen, uiX, uiY-5, (1.5*xWidth), (2*yHeight) uiX = uiX-colSpace uiY=uiY+rowSpace UI_OUTFIELD "Fill Type", uiX, uiY, xWidth, yHeight uiX = uiX+colSpace ui_infield{2} gs_fill_type, uiX, uiY-5, (1.5*xWidth), (2*yHeight) uiX = uiX-colSpace uiY=uiY+rowSpace UI_OUTFIELD "Fill Pen", uiX, uiY, xWidth, yHeight uiX = uiX+colSpace ui_infield{2} gs_fill_pen, uiX, uiY-5, (1.5*xWidth), (2*yHeight) uiX = uiX-colSpace uiY=uiY+rowSpace UI_OUTFIELD "Background Pen", uiX, uiY, xWidth, yHeight uiX = uiX+colSpace ui_infield{2} gs_back_pen, uiX, uiY-5, (1.5*xWidth), (2*yHeight) endif !--- Appearance - 3D Representation ---! if appearancePage = 2 then uiX = 125 uiY = 35 xWidth = 100 yHeight = 13 rowSpace = 30 colSpace = 130 ui_style 0,0 UI_OUTFIELD "Oven", uiX,uiY,xWidth+20, yHeight uiX = uiX+colSpace ui_infield{2} mainMat, uiX, uiY-5, (1.5*xWidth), (2*yHeight) uiX = uiX-colSpace uiY = uiY+rowSpace UI_OUTFIELD "Black Frame", uiX, uiY, xWidth, yHeight uiX = uiX+colSpace ui_infield{2} blackMat, uiX, uiY-5, (1.5*xWidth), (2*yHeight) uiX = uiX-colSpace uiY = uiY+rowSpace UI_OUTFIELD "Oven glass", uiX, uiY, xWidth, yHeight uiX = uiX+colSpace ui_infield{2} glassMat, uiX, uiY-5, (1.5*xWidth), (2*yHeight) uiX = uiX-colSpace uiY = uiY+rowSpace UI_OUTFIELD "Knobs", uiX, uiY, xWidth, yHeight uiX = uiX+colSpace ui_infield{2} buttonMat, uiX, uiY-5, (1.5*xWidth), (2*yHeight) uiX = uiX-colSpace uiY = uiY+rowSpace UI_OUTFIELD "Logo", uiX, uiY, xWidth, yHeight uiX = uiX+colSpace ui_infield{2} logoMat, uiX, uiY-5, (1.5*xWidth), (2*yHeight) endif endif !Menu 3 - Info if uiPage = 3 then uiX = 110 uiY = 0 xWidth = 100 yHeight = 20 colSpace = xWidth +1 rowSpace = yHeight +1 ui_infield{3} "infoPage", uiX,uiY, xWidth,yHeight, 2, "", 3, 3, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, "Manufacturer", 1, 2, "BIMstop", 2 ui_style 0,0 !Groupbox ui_groupbox "", 110,21, 325, 240 uiX = 115 uiY = 30 colSpace = 120 rowSpace = 70 ui_style 0,4 !--- Info - Manufacturer ---! if infoPage = 1 then uiX = uiX+colSpace UI_BUTTON UI_LINK, "Info website", uiX+100,uiY-30, xWidth,yHeight, 0, ccURL uiX = uiX-colSpace UI_PICT_BUTTON UI_LINK, "FisherPaykelMFT", 6, uiX+100,uiY+5, 100,32, 0, ccURL ui_style 0,1 uiY = uiY+55 UI_BUTTON UI_LINK, "90cm Single Pyrolytic Built-in Oven",uiX+45,uiY-5, 220, 20,0, mURL ui_style 0,1 uiY = uiY+25 ui_outfield "Fisher & Paykel ovens are designed with simply perfect cooking in mind. The 90cm Pyrolytic Built-in Oven includes a self-clean function for the ultimate in convenience, while clean lines and flat panelling in", uiX,uiY, 315, 52, 2 uiY = uiY+53 ui_outfield "black reflective glass, with a stainless steel and mirror finish complement the style and elegance of any modern kitchen.", uiX,uiY, 315, 52, 2 ui_style 0,0 uiY = uiY+54 ui_outfield "Please contact Fisher & Paykel to discuss your project and requirements.", uiX,uiY, 315, 28, 2 endif !--- Info - BIMstop ---! if infoPage = 2 then uiX = 115 uiY = 30 ui_style 0,0 colSpace = 100 rowSpace = 35 xWidth = 100 yHeight = 20 ui_style 0,4 ui_outfield "This ArchiCAD object was built by:", uiX,uiY, 190, 18, 0 ui_style 0,0 uiY = uiY+rowSpace uiX = uiX+colSpace ui_pict 5, uiX+10,uiY, 100, 50, 1 uiY = uiY+70 UI_BUTTON UI_LINK, "", uiX-10,uiY, 140,20, 0, bimURL uiX = uiX-90 uiY = uiY+35 ui_outfield "If you have any ideas for this ArchiCAD object or any others please contact us. Copyright 2011", uiX,uiY, 285, 34, 2 endif endifCSLVmmQ!-----------------------------------------------------! ! Build by : Barrington Arch 2013. All right reserved.! ! ! ! Copyright Barrington Architecture & Design Ltd. ! ! ! ! Designed by Fern Udomrasami ! ! ! ! ! ! Name : Fisher & Paykel OB90S9MEP ! ! Written by ArchiCAD ! !-----------------------------------------------------!TXTCmm Build by : Barrington Arch 2013. All right reserved. Copyright Barrington Architecture & Design Ltd. Designed by Fern Udomrasami Name : Fisher & Paykel OB90S9MEP Written by ArchiCAD FFIGmmimage/pngPNG  IHDRG gAMABOPLTE!#$ \ad *,-&))Y^adil !134\]^$&(9;@ qtuSVX468ݼ™DFHxz}V]`+!#"(&%"<"%#3"$]ch Y*54+,6)%A$¿ .$*M-03!E&,2$+  צЪԶ Z8>gnpiENT'/OUZovxsHRI)/GMP@ %=7<>!)<"0.142-0/) (+&0-a6<ęĥ´"پe pHYs  $tEXtSoftwareQuickTime 7.7.1 (Mac OS X)dtIME V IDATxZAkX~X.2ݗ@;0=4{ٙ2 {kCv;[W$zI(}UՓ_o:ajf sQcU`pcB `sNʭ;kT_^A KCήHG<:9x< p]W؂ٕO.K]FrC*GF;٣[Q&#XH`t< Nw.rτ<&`(1(!v%i€w+&;lMo0,CHllCB!nGjaޕKp%??o6{>~?0G?F%d`Wּiut/0y~LDC~]Wsͱ5 ظ!N`00C$ CtH@<\..0.p9n0=&{d4/͗Kz}[fO&d4]ﳨH(I MGٔnT'${ O.ndZS(`/:Q\=>='IЭx4c5#Zs\tbw~]tE(W^/#jLYKa) V{}IYcOB "WRH G~wP"Iie% pQ(^aZp?)(jZ xBB)!` aPK PK1dE5 k -b`n2< 6 ĥVCл0w=&8&`p|bo=/b(u $wD0 q]5ZJjL>1@BM{]##%(>o"t"ž}?P@.+z1)[_y^wרen6eDPp/@V{-~QZϕ=8}ʠ5tXHuAB,: 05 G/P/rjK %#JX}{g ĥ!ghS!% ³/;Q|1@(ʚ 0 -u&,ѲLR|&BY[;TVŢTA.\ (HQ{oW Ȕ*Bوۢeџ0 aH]`e \eGfc39;J q_TKHR·[61LRA"aH$!XqPο`l D5ƷOUixQk>P.߸֘֬P1`VT~/J܏4V0mSn;eRR~k:]t]͘3U5PR5 A-EՂ ]E=B;uk c#(q5=S]r/BM|7 aK S^B m1$DoJG!9A{떮\8[2X-HϬ=` Ԁ߻+5 w&J>A**@\`*384('R_r= 5 ,d!/( BJп@Z^UjOЀ2K |xj#6IC K=\ J:t]sY^zA@y7,u\p(P @LV&… F8Z1HWF$VaWFG%f,$ ^A`_ib?K=!S~/1k5~t&zK V2@7|n?I`+,L{x_&.(DH`![j7viho['Iv_T'd j7d€5#E%:Ia * ]XB!Q럳PG+zp|vm5KIc-I `لve@"8X./#Yl}9 B+IO8 /tKÝѪ1OQx@_.[^^/ofфVghm"6#ٌ-If+X[P} :_ Za6/f3oVFy'ǭ9oeW&.%L8>!ÃQݯaxrr tj' D@`y^ [oA.`7_j 4v O A ]8 Կ̿+<hxm4(끄" q6D lE}`~ JQu'! 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